
Zhengmao Li

Assistant Professor
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation,
Aalto University
10 Bd Maarintie 8 02150 Espoo Finland
Curriculum Vitae,

Welcome to MESPO (Multi-energy System Planning & Operation) Research Lab!

Professor Bio

    Dr. Li received a Ph.D. degree from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2020. During 2019-2021, he was a Research Fellow with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA under IEEE Fellow, Prof. Wu Lei. From 2021-2023, he was a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and Singapore ETH Center under IEEE Fellow, Prof. Wang Peng and Prof. Xu Yan. From April. 2023, Dr. Li joined Aalto University as an Assistant Professor.
    Till Nov 2023, he has published 36 journal papers, 9 conference papers, 2 books, and 2 patents. Among them, there are 13 first-authored journal papers of which 10 are top-tier journals and 4 first-authored conference papers. He got Google Scholar citations 1911 times (h index 22, i10 index: 32) and in total 6 highly cited research papers (4 of which are first-authored journal papers). One paper is regarded as pioneering research on the IEEE Spotlight website. In 2023, he was selected into the World’s Top 2% of Scientists in the subfield of “Energy”.
    Besides, his team is now running an official WeChat account named “综合能源新视界”. You are free to subscribe and contact us for the promotion of academic news or student recruitment.

Research Interests

His research topics include but not limited to the following aspects:


Publications [Google Scholar][ResearchGate]

Journal List

Conference List



Funding Applications with Proposals

Grant Applications

Participated Project and Research Experience


Editorial & Reviewer Experiences

International Academic Activities

International Academic Awards

Invited Talk and Presentation

Group Member

Current Ph.D. Students (Chief Supervisor)


Zhineng Fei, Fall 2023-current

M.S., Management Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, 2023

B.E., Business Administration, Wenzhou University, 2020

Research Interests:Green Multi-energy Ship and Shipboard



Xueyong Jia, Fall 2023-current

M.S., Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, 2023

B.E., Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology, 2020

Research Interests:Data-driven Operation of Energy system



Saeid Amanpour, Fall 2023-current

B.B.A, Business Administration, Seinäjoen Ammattikorkeakoulu, 2022

M.Eng., Electrical Engineering, University Technology of Malaysia, 2012

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2007

Research Interests:Green Seaport with Port cranes


Current Ph.D. Students (Co-Supervisor)


Yesen Yang, Fall 2021-current

Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Fall 2021-Current

M.S., Power Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 2021

B.E., Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University of Technology, 2020

Research Interests:Resilience analysis of interdependent energy systems



Zhongtian Li, Fall 2023-current

Ph.D., Electrical Power Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Fall 2020-Current

M.S., Electrical Power Engineering, Technische Universiteit Delft, 2020

B.E., Electrical & Electronic Engineering, City University of London, 2018

Research Interests:Green airport with wind power


Current MSc Students (Chief Supervisor)


Yang Xu, Fall 2023-current

M.S., High Voltage and Insulation Technology, Wuhan University, 2009

B.E., Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, 2013

Research Interests:Green Energy Trading and Market



Xinghan Zhu, Fall 2023-current

M.S., Sustainable Energy Systems, Aalto University, Fall 2022-current

B.E., Materials Processing and Control Engineering, Huaqiao University, 2020

Research Interests:Forecasting for green energy systems



Jussi Sinkkonen, Fall 2023-current

M.S., Electrical Power and Energy Engineering, Aalto University, Fall 2021-current

B.E., Engineering, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, 2021

Research Interests:PV and EV coordination


Current MSc Students (Co-Supervisor)


Wanhao Li, Fall 2023-current

M.S., Mathematics, Nankai University, Fall 2022-current

B.E., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Nankai University, 2022

Research Interests:Green Rural Microgrids



Yizhi Jiang, Spring 2024-current

M.S., Sustainable Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Fall 2023-current

Research Interests:Data-driven Operation of Smart Building


Current Bachelor Students (Supervisor)


Jiateng Zou, Spring 2024-current

B.E., Financial Engineering, Zhejiang A&F University, Fall 2023-current

Research Interests:Green Multi-energy Microgrids



Thank you for your interest in working with us!
We are always looking for self-motivated fully-funded, CSC-funded(preferred), or exchanging Ph.D. students. If you are interested in working with me, please send your detailed CV, transcripts, TOFEL/IELTS scores, and publication records via email: zhengmao.li@aalto.fi and use “Ph.D.Application+Student Name” in the email’s subject line .

Address: 10 Bd Maarintie 8 02150 Espoo Finland
Office Location: TAUS Building
Email: zhengmao.li@aalto.fi
CV: Download Here